Treatments & Prices
What is a Craniosynostosis?
Craniosynostosis, also known as craniostenosis or simply synostosis, is a congenital condition characterized by the premature fusion of one or more sutures (joints) between the bones of a baby’s skull. Normally, a baby’s skull is composed of several bones separated by sutures, allowing the skull to expand as the brain grows. However, in craniosynostosis, these sutures close too early, hindering proper skull development and potentially leading to various health issues.
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Treatments & Prices for Craniosynostosis
2 Treatment(s)
Open Cranial Vault Remodeling
from €9,690
Treatment Description
A surgical procedure employed to treat craniosynostosis, a condition where the baby’s skull sutures fuse prematurely. During this procedure, the surgeon carefully reshapes the affected areas of the skull to allow for normal brain growth. It is an effective treatment to correct skull deformities in infants with craniosynostosis.
Endoscopic Surgery
from €9,690
Treatment Description
A minimally invasive procedure for treating craniosynostosis in pediatric neurosurgery. It involves the use of small incisions and an endoscope to carefully reshape the skull, allowing the growing brain adequate space. This approach reduces scarring and promotes faster recovery, making it an excellent choice for infants and young children with craniosynostosis.
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