Yes, absolutely. Understanding and respecting local customs and traditions is an integral part of the international healthcare experience. Our company prioritizes the cultural immersion of our patients, ensuring they are not only comfortable with their medical procedures but also with the cultural environment they are in. Here’s how we assist:
Cultural Guidebooks: We offer comprehensive guidebooks tailored to each destination, which include information about local customs, traditions, etiquette, and important cultural sites.
Orientation Sessions*: Prior to travel, premium patients can attend orientation sessions, either in person or virtually, where we highlight key cultural nuances of the destination country.
Cultural Tours*: For premium patients interested in exploring the local culture more deeply, we can arrange cultural tours. These tours, often guided by knowledgeable locals, provide firsthand experiences of traditions, festivals, and local daily life.
Local Cuisine Information: Our guidebooks and orientation sessions also delve into the culinary traditions of the destination, advising on local delicacies, dining etiquettes, and even dietary restrictions or religious practices related to food.
Special Event Notifications: If there are significant local festivals, holidays, or events during your stay, we ensure you’re informed. This not only helps in understanding local closures or schedule adjustments but also offers a chance to participate in or observe these events.
Dedicated Support Staff: Our patient support service team, well-versed in local cultures, is always available to answer any questions or provide insights into cultural practices and norms.
Community Interactions: Where possible, we can organize interactions with local communities, offering a genuine insight into the traditions and lifestyles of the people.
We believe that understanding local customs and traditions enhances the overall medical travel experience. It allows patients to connect more deeply with their surroundings, fostering mutual respect and understanding. We encourage all our clients to make the most of these resources and immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestries of their destination.
*only available as part of our Premium Service package.