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Understand your
symptoms better.

Your guide to navigating symptoms.

Empower yourself with knowledge using our detailed PDF symptom guides. Covering a range of symptoms like difficulty with fine motor skills, loss of consciousness, neck or back pain, and seizures, these guides are designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of what you’re experiencing and prepare for a more informed discussion with our healthcare professionals.

Changes in Bowel or Bladder Function

Chronic or Severe Headaches and Migraines

Decreased Alertness, Increased Drowsiness, or Loss of Consciousness

Difficulty Walking or Maintaining Balance

Difficulty with Fine Motor Skills

Frequent Dizziness or Vertigo

Hormonal Imbalances Due to Pituitary Tumors

Localized Weakness (e.g., Drop Foot)

Loss of Consciousness or Altered Consciousness Levels

Loss of Muscle Mass or Movement Difficulty

Memory Loss, Confusion, or Cognitive Decline

Muscle Wasting

Numbness or Tingling in Your Face

Numbness, Weakness, or Tingling in the Extremities

Persistent or Severe Neck or Back Pain

Persistent Pain in Specific Areas

Personality Changes or Erratic Behavior

Progressive Loss of Sensation in Specific Body Regions

Radiating Pain in Arms or Legs


Seizures with No Prior History

Sensation Changes in Limbs

Sexual Dysfunction

Speech Difficulties

Sudden Loss of Motor Function or Sensation

Sudden Vision Loss or Changes

Sudden, Severe Head or Neck Pain

Thunderclap Headaches

Unexplained Nausea or Vomiting

Unexplained Weight Changes

Vision Changes


Seizures with No Prior History

Frequent Dizziness or Vertigo

Decreased Alertness, Increased Drowsiness, or Loss of Consciousness

Loss of Consciousness or Altered Consciousness Levels

Difficulty Walking or Maintaining Balance

Difficulty with Fine Motor Skills

Localized Weakness (e.g., Drop Foot)

Loss of Muscle Mass or Movement Difficulty

Muscle Wasting

Numbness or Tingling in Your Face

Numbness, Weakness, or Tingling in the Extremities

Progressive Loss of Sensation in Specific Body Regions

Sensation Changes in Limbs

Sexual Dysfunction

Sudden Loss of Motor Function or Sensation

Sudden Vision Loss or Changes

Vision Changes

Chronic or Severe Headaches and Migraines

Persistent or Severe Neck or Back Pain

Persistent Pain in Specific Areas

Radiating Pain in Arms or Legs

Sudden, Severe Head or Neck Pain

Thunderclap Headaches

Unexplained Nausea or Vomiting

Memory Loss, Confusion, or Cognitive Decline

Personality Changes or Erratic Behavior

Speech Difficulties

Changes in Bowel or Bladder Function

Hormonal Imbalances Due to Pituitary Tumors

Unexplained Weight Changes